The Observatory

The Observatory

Entanglements; written and observed.

Kodie Smiley Kodie Smiley

The Good Question: Sun in 63

This post was originally posted to my Substack in September of 24. It’s fascinating to be with this 63 Pisces energy and reflect on this piece of writing that was inspired by 64. Enjoy

It’s all a mask. Or a coping mechanism. Something else lies beneath the questions that edge between my lips. I place the mask of my desires upon another situation, a new house, a school, whatever the next achievement feels like. It distracts me from actually looking at the wisdom housed in my bones. That I hold every answer to the questions worth asking. In this, I pose that there might actually be a stupid question, if the question itself does not seek to heal but instead to distract.

And the truth of that inquiry lies buried beneath its shapes and textures. The indescribable propensity to keep knowing. To BE KNOWN. Of course this story of the mind is told as a rom-com, a quest, a silly little heroes journey somewhere beyond but it’s really just our shaky fingers reaching towards our heart. An allegorical spiral towards wholeness that already lies waiting beneath the facade of our stories and myths and projections.

I’ve found that my mind is fully capable of supplying me with another question should I become bored. Should I actually have to sit with the discomfort of existing in a time of comfortable warfare and whiteness and privilege. The ability to question rather than actually worry for my physical safety reveals an absolute addiction to seeking as a tactic for escaping the truth. This truth being, as I stated before: we hold every answer to the questions worth asking, inside our bones.

In my perpetual drive of seeking as escapism, I continue creating narratives to justify the absolute abhorrence that bleeds the periphery of this capitalistic nightmare we exist inside. The bombs sound in the soul of humanity, yet my sound machine mares the silence that allows me to feel the full weight of this pain. I can continue numbing and justifying and answering questions that keep me from ever applying myself towards an actual solution. The solution is Truth and truth is a sword.

This sword is not to be used as violent propaganda against ourself and others, but as a tool of encountering and unveiling our capital T, Truth.

There is a delicate edge upon the sword of my mind. This edge is walking the tight rope between questions that heal and questions that distract. The questions that heal are in themselves, painful. This is the paradox. That in order to liberate the pain held within, it must be acknowledged. It must be dissected and cut into. I must see myself as a perpetrator of harmful narratives, fueling the colonized dream of reality with my own flavor of harm. I must be willing to unveil that which promises the destruction of my delusional reality. And the Truth comes forward by way of the Good Question.

My innocent mask of confusion should be award winning. This is my flavor of numbing, and unconscious resistance to bring forth the truth, for myself. This mask allows me to exist in chaos, never seeing clearly outside my immediate environment. Maintaining this charade allows me to continue inhabiting these shadowy depths of what might actually be the path to healing. The shadows also help to perpetuate and lull the spirit back to sleep in order to avoid its pain. We cast demons out by calling their name, first. But Truth is a balm as much as it is a sword.

The dissonant frequency of shadow is openly welcomed by the community seeking escape from Truth. It allows us to continue appearing to dance in the light of each other’s love while actually throwing literal bombs at each other and holding the hands of our demons masked in good intention, quelling the light of truth that threatens to burn and heal. Because the pain that is required for our healing might actually destroy us. We are hard wired not to be destroyed.

It is only until we can actually accept the absolute desecration from our demons that sing to us gently, patting our heads, numbing our Truth before we can begin the long journey home to our heart. This journey is one of courageous inquiry into the depths and darkness that we contain. I can tell you from experience, it is exhausting.

As we journey to our heart, we journey to the heart of humanity. We risk adding more light and love to the blaze of goodness that cannot be extinguished. And it is a heavy burden and an ongoing journey to continue holding that torch and holding the pain of those who cannot yet.

Of course, in order to begin, we must peel back the masks of our own ignorance and acquiescence to pain. This pain has always been there. Our demons mask this pain, in the ways that we numb and ignore our humanity. Yet it’s already there, just beneath the surface and it shows it’s face within the inflammatory responses of our flesh and dis-ease.

Truth is as much as a balm, as it is a sword. When we heal, we remove the weight of our ignorance upon the plight of humanity, upon ourselves. We accept responsibility. We chop the wood of remembrance and carry the water of healing. It is not easy work, but it simple. It asks us to look at our masks. It asks us to call the names of our demons. It asks to find the Good Question.

And we hold every answer to the Good Question worth asking.

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Kodie Smiley Kodie Smiley

Dissolving to Become: A Pisces Transmission

A transmission from the gates that make up the Pisces season zodiac.

55 - 37 - 63 - 22 - 36 - 25

Like a tidal pull, Pisces descends us down and into the vessel of our power, a realm of emotional co-creation. This season asks us to locate our anchor as the wave of life crashes before us. We are the push and the pull, the coming and the going, the being. Life may move around us but here we decide whether to dissolve or resist. Resistance is futile. In moving with the waves around us, we dance in joyous union with the cycles that envelop our reality. These cycles are the law, the one, the great mystery that beholds us.

The season begins in the Solar Plexus and guides us through the depths of our emotional realms. These energies are a balanced tour of individual, tribal and collective energy. As above, so below. We are invited to review and consider our relationship to our emotions as the center of personal power and transformation. Bridge 63’s pressure brings inspiration to evolve and press us forward into new ways of flowing with life force through us.

Where Aquarius season was MOVING us towards Truth, now we’re enveloped and swallowed whole by the ocean of human experience. Our reality is our truth. Swaying and bobbing with the waves that carry us all. We are everything, and nothing all at once. Everywhere and nowhere. Aquarius informed the systemic flow of consciousness and now we imbibe and become that integrated consciousness of ONE.

The Piscean waters dissolve and open us to a new level of experience, surrender and evolution. Our ability to let go of and transform informs the vitality of the futures we’ve planted. Our acceptance and grace are dispositions that surrender our lives towards the path of least resistance. Can we be the water that surrenders and flows where it’s pulled? Are we willing to relinquish and allow emergence to unfold, or do we constrict and resist where our waters flow?

Pinning down and identifying Pisces is the equivalent of trying to stop a tsunami. It cannot be resisted. It’s edgeless depth threatens to swallow and envelop everything we thought we knew about our lives and that’s the point. Pisces teaches us to yield, to unravel, to let rest, to absolve, to simply be. The invitation of Pisces season prepares us for the seasons to come, the deep waters inform us and nourish us for the long journey ahead. This is not the end, merely a new beginning in a different form. This watery archetype continues to nurture the seeds we’ve uncovered from Capricorn and Aquarius, we’ve dreamed and connected to the vital life force of new worlds not yet manifest. And this season, we begin the work of surrendering and watering the seeds to take root in ways we cannot possibly fathom. Spring is ever impending and our surrender is indicative of Spring’s emergence unfurling.

See below for more info on the gates of Pisces

The Dragonfly’s Dream

55 - Victimization - Freedom - Freedom

Solar Plexus - Motor/Awareness - Individual Circuitry - Physical: Dorsal Ganglia

Family Alchemy

37 - Weakness - Equality - Tenderness

Solar Plexus - Motor/Awareness - Tribal Circuitry - Physical: Dorsal Ganglia

Reaching the Source

63 - Doubt - Inquiry - Truth

Crown - Pressure Center - Collective Circuitry - Physical: Pineal Gland

Grace Under Pressue

22 - Dishonor - Graciousness - Grace

Solar Plexus - Motor/Awareness - Individual Circuitry - Physical: Cranial Ganglia

Becoming Human

36 - Turbulence - Humanity - Compassion

Solar Plexus - Motor/Awareness - Collective Circuitry - Physical: Solar Plexus

The Myth of the Sacred Wound

25 - Constriction - Acceptance - Universal Love

G-Center - Magnetic Monopole - Individual Circuitry - Physical: Heart

It has been my experience that the corresponding body systems become activated by the transiting seasons accompanying these Gates. Pay attention to what is coming up in your body as these Gates transition through the season to its corresponding physical attribute. Disclaimer: This is not medical advice.

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Kodie Smiley Kodie Smiley

Revolution Begins Within: An Aquarius Transmission

**Details for joining Heavenly Bodies this season for FREE are at the bottom of this email.

60 - 41 - 19 - 13 - 49 - 30

Aquarius moves us towards TRUTH. Pure embodied life force and communal tending. This month's energetic invitation completes 2 circuitry channels - the 19/49 and 41/30. After unearthing and reattuning to our Root in Capricorn season, that energy is surging forward towards the spirit, towards truth, towards the Solar Plexus. This is an invitation to plant the seeds of desire found within Capricorn to dream of and build the world we want to be apart of. The world that flows and is remembered within the rivers of our bodies. Aquarius is the bearer of water, and of consciousness. The vessel pouring into our Heavenly Bodies.

The season begins and continues through 2 (and half) root center placements. 41 and 19 are both looking toward the emotional power house of the Solar Plexus. These are energies that are sensitive to the external orientation of energy versus an internal expression from the "individual" circuitry. We find that the quirky, alien side of Aquarius might, in fact, be found it it's sensitivity to the external world and connection to realms that are not yet manifest, seen by the naked eye or felt by the 5 senses. These root activations hold an incredible wisdom to intuit and feel what cannot be seen.

The middle of Aquarius season roots us back to the center of our collective remembering. Gate 13 transcends space and time, again connecting us to the greater law and records, UNSEEN. This doorway invites us to remember that we are all interwoven together in a grand tapestry of reality, weaving and dancing and holding each other, yet each individually designed perfectly for our role in the Great Dance. By remembering our most differentiated purpose and direction, we acknowledge and orient towards love. Our beingness is EXACTLY what creates the revolution we came here to serve.

Aquarius season is tail ended in the Solar Plexus, gearing us up for the emotional depths inside of Pisces. Gate 49 and 30 illuminate the unwavering and electrified sword of Truth. Emotional awareness is full of fire and alchemy and movement. To be with this wave of awareness, we must come home to ourselves and become the empowered one that dances with their Inner Light. Truth comes in waves, it thrashes and clings to what can be known. It does not discriminate or coddle or placate. It is here to guide you and be a light in the dark.

Aquarius flows through us this season moving us towards Truth, that we belong to each other. That we are not separate. This fractal reality is a grand tapestry that is not only seen, but FELT deeply. And we came here to see and remember this transcendent intelligence.

See below for more info on the gates of Aquarius:

The Cracking of the Vessel

60 - Limitation - Realism - Justice

Root - Pressure - Individual Circuitry - Physical: Colon

The Prime Emanation

41 - Fantasy - Aniticipation - Emanation

Root - Pressure Center - Collective Circuitry - Physical: Adrenals

The Future Human Being

19 - Co-Dependence - Sensitivity - Sacrifice

Root - Pressure Center - Tribal Circuitry - Physical: Body Hair

Listening through Love

13 - Discord - Discernment - Empathy

G-Center - Magnetic Monopole - Collective Circuitry - Physical: Amygdala

Changing the World from the Inside

49 - Reaction - Revolution - Rebirth

Solar Plexus - Awareness Center - Tribal Circuitry - Physical: Solar Plexus

Celestial Fire

30 - Desire - Lightness - Rapture

Solar Plexus - Awareness Center - Collective Circuitry - Physical: Solar Plexus/Digestion

It has been my experience that the corresponding body systems become activated by the transiting seasons accompanying these Gates. Pay attention to what is coming up in your body as these Gates transition through the season to its corresponding physical attribute. Disclaimer: This is not medical advice.

Follow my Aquarius season mood board HERE

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Kodie Smiley Kodie Smiley

Longing Found in Silence: A Capricorn Transmission

10 - 58 - 38 - 54 - 61 - 60

Can you feel the Earth pulsing in the dead of winter. Trees naked, nature silenced, so quiet you can hear snow fall delicately to the ground. The world is frozen, and we are laid bare. Energy is reserved. In nature, there is only movement of necessity. Energy for vitality and warmth.

Capricorn season begins her entrance in the G-Center, where we find universal love, purpose and direction. This energy holds the ability to ground us into the very central essence of who we are, the way we move in the world. Connected to the integration circuit, 10 teaches us the power of BEING. Life is a natural emergence reflected from our core essence.

We see that the drive found in Capricorn is a reflection of the sun’s movement through the root center. More so than the more mainstream idea of workaholic Capricorn, I see a longing for joy. An energy towards what is vital and alive. Moving towards joy is the drive to live, to thrive, to continue. Capricorn is intimately connected to her inner animus, to the part of ourselves that relishes in the pure sensation of the living world.

A capricorn’s drive can become a blind drivenness but its core is joy and love. Yearning and longing. In the long winter’s night, the life force of the world around us reserves and replenishes itself for the more vivacious and external seasons to come. This is a time for inner attunement. There is a sensitivity towards the more inner planes of our reality. Here we feel internally, what is worth living for. The sun illuminates Gates 58, 38 and 54 are all consecutively, all 3 pointing towards our survival center, the Spleen expounding this necessity to breathe life into the inner realms of dreaming, longing and imagining.

However, this inner world is more difficult to access in our bustling modern society. Is there space to slow down to the natural cycles of winter?

After we sample this drive for vitality, gate 61 in the Crown center balances our physical yearning with the dreamscapes of Inspiration. Similar in its pressure and drive, yet more etheric and dreamy. This is the mental organizing of the fully vivacious physicality of our longing. Bringing the visual component to what might become. Seeing is believing.

Our season is bookended with the format energy of gate 60, back in the root center. Similarly driven energy, yet guided towards creation in the Sacral. Gate 60 is the realistic magic found in planting seeds that might grow in the springtime. Which brings this realistic grounded energy back into this archetype filled with longing and desire.

The sea goat myth of Capricorn speaks to her deep watery intuitive connection in the grounded world. It is both dreaming and doing. Capricorn is filled with life, a cornucopia of what is and what might become. This potent time reminds us our inner power and invites us to ground into our deepest longing as the seeds of manifest reality. This work is not the typical work assigned to Capricorn, but is a devotion to life affirmation and joy. This season expands beyond our comprehension of time, it is a moment for reflection and correcting history. Rewrit

See below for more info on the gats of Capricorn

10 - Self-Obsesssion - Naturalness - Being

G-Center - Magnetic Monopole - Integration Circuitry - Physical: Chest/Heart/Liver

58 - Dissatisfaction - Vitality - Bliss

Root - Pressure Center - Collective Circuitry - Physical: Perineum

38 - Struggle - Perseverance - Honour

1 Root - Pressure Center - Individual Circuitry - Physical: Adrenals

54 - Greed - Aspiration - Ascension

Root - Pressure Center - Tribal Circuitry - Physical: Tailbone

61 - Psychosis - Inspiration - Sanctity

Crown - Pressure Center - Individual Circuitry - Physical: Pineal gland

60 - Limitation - Realism - Justice

Root - Pressure Center - Individual Circuitry - Physical: Colon

It has been my experience that the corresponding body systems become activated by the transiting seasons accompanying these Gates. Pay attention to what is coming up in your body as these Gates transition through the season to its corresponding physical attribute. Disclaimer: This is not medical advice.

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